• Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 10: Some lessons from capital market history

    Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 10: Some lessons from capital market history

    This lecture introduces you to some lessons from capital market history. After completing this unit, you should be able to: Know how to calculate the return on an investment, understand the historical returns on various types of investments, understand the historical risks on various types of investments.

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  • Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 7: Equity markets and stock valuation

    Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 7: Equity markets and stock valuation

    The topics discussed in this chapter are equity markets and stock valuation. After completing this unit, you should be able to: Understand how share prices depend on future dividends and dividend growth, be able to compute share prices using the dividend growth model, understand how share markets work, understand how share prices are quoted.

     27 p ntt 24/03/2016 280 3

  • Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 8: Net present value and other investment criteria

    Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 8: Net present value and other investment criteria

    After studying this chapter you will be able to: Understand the payback rule and its shortcomings, understand accounting rates of return and their problems, understand the internal rate of return and its strengths and weaknesses, understand the net present value rule and why it is the best decision criteria.

     39 p ntt 24/03/2016 345 3

  • Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 12: Cost of capital

    Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 12: Cost of capital

    Learning objectives of this chapter include: Know how to determine a firm’s cost of equity capital, know how to determine a firm’s cost of debt, know how to determine a firm’s overall cost of capital, understand pitfalls of overall cost of capital and how to manage them, understand the impact of an imputation tax system.

     33 p ntt 24/03/2016 301 3

  • Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 9: Making capital investment decisions

    Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 9: Making capital investment decisions

    The topic discussed in this chapter is making capital investment decisions. In this chapter, you will learn: Understand how to determine the relevant cash flows for a proposed investment, understand how to analyse a project’s projected cash flows, understand how to evaluate an estimated NPV.

     34 p ntt 24/03/2016 255 3

  • Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 11: Risk and return

    Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 11: Risk and return

    Chapter 11 introduces you to risk and return. After completing this unit, you should be able to: Know how to calculate expected returns, understand the impact of diversification, understand the systematic risk principle, understand the security market line, understand the risk-return trade-off.

     43 p ntt 24/03/2016 260 3

  • Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 17: Working capital management

    Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 17: Working capital management

    Chapter 17 - Working capital management. This chapter include objectives: Understand how firms manage cash and various collection, concentration and disbursement techniques; understand how to manage receivables and the basic components of credit policy; understand various inventory types, different inventory management systems and what determines the optimal inventory level.

     28 p ntt 24/03/2016 244 3

  • Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 15: Raising capital

    Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 15: Raising capital

    The topic discussed in chapter 15 is raising capital. This chapter include objectives: Understand the venture capital market and its role in financing new businesses, understand how securities are sold to the public and the role of investment bankers, understand initial public offerings and the costs of going public.

     18 p ntt 24/03/2016 236 3

  • Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 13: Leverage and capital structure

    Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 13: Leverage and capital structure

    Chapter 13 - Leverage and capital structure. In this chapter you will understand the effect of financial leverage on cash flows and cost of equity, understand the impact of taxes and bankruptcy on capital structure choice, understand the basic components of bankruptcy.

     38 p ntt 24/03/2016 239 3

  • Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 18: International aspects of financial management

    Lecture Essentials of corporate finance - Chapter 18: International aspects of financial management

    Chapter 18 decribes international aspects of financial management. In this chapter you will understand how exchange rates are quoted and what they mean, know the difference between spot and forward rates, understand purchasing power parity and interest rate parity and the implications for changes in exchange rates, understand the types of exchange rate risk and how they can be managed, understand the impact of political risk on international...

     22 p ntt 24/03/2016 272 3

  • Bài giảng Marketing quốc tế: Chương 2 - Lê Thị Ngọc Diệp

    Bài giảng Marketing quốc tế: Chương 2 - Lê Thị Ngọc Diệp

    Chương 2 của bài giảng Marketing quốc tế giới thiêu các môi trường Marketing quốc tế như: Môi trường kinh tế, môi trường chính trị, môi trường văn hóa, môi trường pháp luật, môi trường cạnh tranh, môi trường công nghệ. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

     14 p ntt 24/03/2016 376 4

  • Bài giảng Marketing quốc tế: Chương 1 - Lê Thị Ngọc Diệp

    Bài giảng Marketing quốc tế: Chương 1 - Lê Thị Ngọc Diệp

    Bài giảng Marketing quốc tế chương 1 trình bày những nội dung tổng quan về Marketing quốc tế như: Bản chất Marketing quốc tế, tầm quan trọng và sự cần thiết của Marketing quốc tế. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

     21 p ntt 24/03/2016 379 3

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