Ebook 4000 essential English words (Second edition) - Book 1: Part 2

Ebook 4000 essential English words - Book 1: Part 2 includes contents: Unit 15: The Big Race, Unit 16: Adams County’s Gold, Unit 17: The Race for Water, Unit 18: The Little Red Chicken, Unit 19: Shipwrecked, Unit 20: The Seven Cities of Gold, Unit 21: Katy, Unit 22: A Better Reward, Unit 23: The Camp, Unit 24: A Strong Friendship, Unit 25: Joe’s Pond, Unit 26: Archie and His Donkey, Unit 27: The Spider and the Bird, Unit 28: The Party, Unit 29: How the World Got Light, Unit 30: Cats and Secrets. Please refer to the documentation for more details.